viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Viernes: T-Belleza, SONRIE /Friday: T-Beauty SMILE

Cuando ries...
No solo estas emitiendo un sonido, todo tu cuerpo se está dedicando a eso. De hecho movemos 15 mçusculos de la cara, nuestro sistema respiratorio tambien se involucra, a veces tenemos que hacer verdaderos esfuerzos para no fatigarnos. Nuestra epiglotis vibra y nuestra laringe tambien, por eso se nos hace tan complicato tomar aire.
Al mismo tiempo nuestros pulmones se activan esto ayuda al fortalecimiento de nuestro sistema respiratorio.
Estudios cientificos afirman que reirse durante 15 minutoas al dia puede llegar a quemar entre 10 y 40 calorías lo que al año supondria perder entre 1 y 2 kg.

Esta idea de lo benefecioso de la risa, lleva circulando durante mucho tiempo, pero es que es cierto, reduce la tensión muscular, incrementa el oxígeno en sangre, mueve nuestro corazon y produce endorfinas la famosa ormona de la felicidad.
Solo puedo decir, SORÍE!

When you laugh...
you aren't just making sounds, your whole body is engaged in the laughter. In fact, there are 15 different muscles in your face alone that participate in laughter. Your respiratory system gets involved as well, which is why you can sometimes find breathing difficult, or even get the hiccups, while laughing. Your epiglottis is vibrating, half-closing over your larynx. This makes it more difficult to breathe. As your air intake ebbs and flows, the relative strength of your laughter will follow suit. 
If your struggle for oxygen is strong enough, this will activate your tear ducts. Lastly, the force of laughter causes muscle contractions throughout your body in your limbs, your diaphragm and your back.
The scientists then went on to calculate that just 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on a person’s weight and the intensity of the laughter. That’s enough to shift between 1 to 2 kg.

The idea that laughter benefits health has been around for many years, possibly because it reduces muscle tension, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, exercises the heart and produces happy chemicals in the brain called endorphins.
I just can say, SMILE!

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